These pictures were taken from 2003 to 2005 in various locations.
The pictures are annotated with location and the equipment used when
There are nine pictures.
Carnations in the Kitchen Window Tanner, our Maine Coon Cat, on MYSTIC ROSE - Nov 2005 Noor, Our Other Maine Coon Cat, with Ensign A Leaf on the Patuxet River Carol Canoeing on the Patuxet River Colby at Helm of America's Cup Boat, Aukland, New Zealand - Feb 2003 New Zealand South Island - Feb 2003
Taken with a Cannon PowerShot S2 IS, 1/200sec, f4.0, FL 21.3mm. The carnations are from the grocery store and the background was provided by reflection from the kitchen window. 2005 Canon Powershot S2 IS, 1/50sec/ f3.5, 6-72mm zooom at 72mm, Digital zoom 2x, November 2005 Canon PowerShot S2 IS, 1/80sec, f4.0, 6-72mm at 11.6mm Canon PowerShot S2 IS, 1/125sec, f4.0, 6-72mm zoom at 12.6, Nov 2005 Canon PowerShot S2 IS, 1/320sec, f4.0, 6-72mm zoom at 17.6mm, Nov 2005 Canon PowerShot S2 IS, 1/640sec, f4.0, 6-72mm zoom at 72mm Canon PowerShot S2 IS, 1/250sec, f4.0, 6-72mm zoom at 44mm. Mixed channels in PhotoShop and rendered in B&W, Oct 2005 Canon PowerShot S10, 1/500sec, f8 Canon PowerShot S10, 1/500sec, f7.1
Carnations in the Kitchen Window
Taken with a Cannon PowerShot S2 IS, 1/200sec, f4.0, FL 21.3mm. The carnations are from the grocery store and the background was provided by reflection from the kitchen window. 2005
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